I love to look at maps and see where I have been and where I would like to go to.
My Mum has turned into an intrepid traveller rather than a holidayer and since our recent trip to Nepal and Northern India, and our river cruise from St Petersburg to Moscow (not forgetting our 3 weeks travelling the Nile in the 80's when you could sail the whole length from Cairo to Aswan), she has travelled quite extensively, she has already booked herself onto a trip to Vietnam for next year and I am sure that she will fit in many more interesting places this year (and will top 2009's trips).
She travels solo and her first totally solo trip was to Venice and she throughly enjoyed it. Being a solo traveller can be hard but I believe that she finds it totally rewarding. Well done Mum, I wish I could afford to come with you!

To the point, some time ago I bought a lovely atlas (1930, THe Comparative Atlas by Bartholomew).
It has so many beautiful pages, with lots of information but the interesting thing is how much the World has changed! Also it would be considered non - p.c. nowadays!

What no Bankers?

Colour chart?

You may or may not find these plates interesting, but take a few minutes to have a look.........
For Divers no Sharm or Dahab
No M5

no Pakistan

Old Europe, how many new countries?!
I wonder what today's comparison would be?

Interesting don't you think?