As far as devastating things go this is no where major, however I was sooooo upset at the weekend as I dropped my lovely Panasonic Lumix (camera) that Michael had kindly bought as a birthday pressie a few years ago. What makes it even worse is I NEED it for my blog!
Yesterday at Newbury Antiques Fair (IACF Fairs) I found some new customers/contacts and decided that I must utilise my shop blog more thouroughly, however that will not be happening for a while!
I met Cecile ( ) at long last, we had a good chat about our "angels" and she gave me some good tips on vintage dresses. She also told me that she really only uses her phone for pics rather than a camera and blue tooths them to her pc, all very well Cecile, where I live we hardly have one bar of reception, well we do if you stand on tip toe and lean out of the bathroom window! so I don't think that idea will work for me!
Lucy Bloom ( ) also recognised my stall and said hello, we had a lovely chat, so in amongst chatting to blog ladies we had a very busy morning. I say we as my Mum came to help, she was an asset and worked very hard, although in the heat of the day she did retire to the back of the van to "stretch her back", I did hear a few "zzzzzzz's"!
So I have raided my pics, as you know I have a love of metal work, I found these, do you know where they are and of what ???
I will be rummaging through my pics for my next few blogs, so keep visiting!